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作者:  发布时间:2016-03-17 18:26:28  点击率:

  “She’s off sick. She’s got the lurgy“。

  1. Au fait – this is an example of a French expression that has become part of the English Language. It means to have good detailed knowledge of something. (This is not slang but a very British English expression。)


  Lurgy –如果你得了传染病,也就是感冒了或者带了其他病毒。这就意味着人们会和你隔离远离你。

  Lurgy – if you’ve got the lurgy, it means you are ill with the flu or a virus. It means that people will stay away from you。

  9. Hunky-dory – fine, going well,

  6. Gobsmacked - “Gob” is mouth is British English and if you smack it, you probably would do it because you are amazed or shocked。

  Bugger all –如果你说晚餐吃个屁,那就是说你什么也没有。(这种表达十分不礼貌需慎用)

  4. Cock Up – This can be used as a verb or a noun and it means to make a serious mistake or a mistake. (It has nothing to do with male parts!)

  12. Nice one! – If someone is impressed by what you’ve done, they could use this expression. It’s similar to “good job” in American English. It can also be used sarcastically。





  I was walking along the South Bank in London the other day with my client and home stay student, Martine when I realised that there were more foreign languages being spoken than the English language! Of course, the summer season has started which means that London will be one of the most visited cities by foreign tourists and learners of English on full immersion courses。


  Gutted –非常不安


  Gobsmacked –“Gob”是嘴巴的意思,是英式英语,如果你用这个表达“smack it”因为你被震惊到了,所以你可能会张大嘴巴。

  “I managed to get two tickets for the One Direction concert at the O2 arena”. “Nice one, mate!“

  Donkeys’ years –很久很久,好多年。

  11. Lurgy – if you’ve got the lurgy, it means you are ill with the flu or a virus. It means that people will stay away from you。

  “Everything is hunky-dory, thanks。”

  “She makes a blinding roast dinner”

  “She is au fait with the company’s rules and regulations。”

  8. Gutted – really upset。

  Gormless –另一种表示茫然或无头绪的方式。


  “I was gutted when I didn’t get the job”。

  Cock Up –这个俚语既可用作动词也可用作名词,它的意思是犯了很严重的错误或犯错误。(这个表达跟男性器官毫无关系。)


  If you are one of these tourists or learners, you are very likely going to hear plenty of British slang spoken in pubs, restaurants, public transport and on the television. So, it would be no bad thing to familiarise yourself with some of these colourful expressions. These expressions are typically British slang and are used in spoken language and informally。


  5. Donkeys’ years – a long time or ages


  3. Bugger all – if you’ve got bugger all for dinner, it means you have nothing. (This is an impolite expression so use it with caution)

  2. Blinding – if something is blinding, it means that it’s excellent。


Donkeys’ years – a long time or ages

Knackered – very tired, exhausted

  “How are things with you?”


  “I worked 7 hours on that job and I got bugger all thanks for my efforts”。

  Nice one! – If someone is impressed by what you’ve done, they could use this expression. It’s similar to “good job” in American English. It can also be used sarcastically。



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